So it was with pleasure and delight that I received the words 'school is open',and though travel took longer and the pavement slippy I arrived, set up and awaited the children...

Our story took us on an adventure to the
rainforest of the Inca people and a quest for magical water. With brothers, brave sister and helpful parrots all seeking to help the King.
Despite the excitement of their snowy weekend together with working with friends from other schools, all thoughts of ice and sledging were banished as they became captivated by the telling. The quality of listening in the room was amazing!
Part way into the story I left it at a point where the imagination could soar free and the children worked in teacher led groups to discuss,explore magical objects, and also to draw and suggest what monsters lurked as guardians of the lake.
The hall was buzzing with ideas and meaningful talk, and as I interacted with groups I gleaned suggestions to incorporate into the rest of the story when we resumed - swapping their ideas for mine, thus creating a new and unique version of the tale held within the original framework.
I think one of my favourite moments was when individual children virtually lit up, beaming with pride as they listened when they realised the monster I was describing was theirs!... using their choice of adjectives and image. Bigger than that though was the feeling of co-creation and wonder in the room that everyone's ideas were important and valid.
The teacher's were thrilled, I was thrilled and the children enthusiastic, I wish them well in their continued exploration of story making!