with Wykeham Tales
Storytellers, Storylovers and Storylisteners!
This group started in the Autumn of 2010 to provide a regular place for people to meet and enjoy the age old tradition and art of oral storytelling.
In February 2011, we relocated and relaunched our monthly meeting in the cellar of The Hyde Tavern Pub. It was a great success and we welcomed local tellers, members of the local Creative writing group, other customers and locals.
We meet every 2nd Wednesday, from 7.30pm in the bar before going downstairs to the cellar to begin stories at 8pm. It's an evening of two halves with a chance to buy another drink in the break, and finish around 10pm.
The group has a good mix of age and gender, some have storytelling experience at other clubs and groups across Hampshire. We hope to encourage and support the storyteller hiding in everyone as we continue to meet and develop as a group.
There is no charge for attending this group, just bring some pennies for beverages!
We are listed on Winchester Umbrella, Clubbz or find us on Facebook as Wykeham Tales