Friday, 31 May 2013

What's Hot in Dorset this Summer!!

 The Sting in the Tale Festival 2013

It's that time of year again, half term is not yet done but people's thoughts turn already to what might be fun to book for the summer holiday period.

Well Story Lovers, the Committee for Sting in the Tale have been busy putting together a fantastic programme of Story Performances around venues in East Dorset during August for such wonderings as these.  Make sure you check out the website HERE for details or find them on Facebook.

I'm really excited about my involvement this year, particularly telling at the amazing ATC in Cranborne for A Field of Stories on  August 21st, I will post more details at a later date, the site is amazing in it's own right but couple that with performance storytelling , puppets, music, crafts,workshops and hopefully sunshine makes it well worth putting in your diaries.

I have also been enjoying a week of story posting on facebook, telling the story of "The Key Flower" for people to share and tell to others by installment each day.   I'm looking forward to making it into a short video telling to go on the site too, when a bit of good weather and a suitable hillside come my way!

Keep your eyes open for further updates and spread the word, it will be a wonderful summer of stories...

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Help for Heroes

What an amazing evening I had, telling stories with CoCo P and colleague Steph from Wykeham Tales to celebrate May Day at Tedworth,Wiltshire.

When we reached Tedworth and walked in the magnificent entrance we felt our spirits lift and any initial apprehensions
vanished.  The atmosphere in the place was positively alive, with stress on the word  positive. It was going to be a night to remember!

Steph and I were given a short tour of the open parts of the building including a viewing of the amazing sport therapy areas and gymnasium in the aptly named Phoenix Centre. The grounds themselves were stunning with areas dedicated for recreation and work plots for 'growing their own'. It was here out in the gardens we discovered the barbecue and fire pit being lit, the band tuning up, and visiting Chelsea Pensioners mixing with current service men residents and whizzing about on Segways!

As we mingled and chatted people were intrigued as to who we were, what we did and what stories we would be telling.  Sitting to eat  amongst some of the most newly arrived solidiers we were soon joined by Dave, who revealed himself to be one of the
youngest Chelsea Pensioners present and Performance Poet!

When the sun started to set and the band finished playing, people progressed round to a drumming workshop led by another artist. We all made quite a rumpus, which if not strictly a beautiful noise, was pleasingly rhythmic and it was good to see people relax and laugh freely as they explored using the djembes and other percussion.

Steph N-Smith telling
'The man who lost his luck'
And then it was our turn to entertain, it had got quite late but thankfully there was still time for a tale each. I chose to share an autobiographical story about visiting a hospital as a child and then years later as a patient.  I had faith that it was the right story for those listening and in such a place where lives are helped to be put back together, its lived out message of hope was well received. Steph and I were particularly heart warmed that one of the soldiers felt prompted to read a poem to his colleagues, our stories had done their work and invited others aboard...

We were sad to leave that evening, the place seemed so vibrant, and we had rubbed shoulders and imaginations with those who were relearning to value being fully alive.

Wykeham Tales salutes both the staff and soldiers at Tedworth House and looks forward to a return visit soon.  Click here to watch and  find out what amazing help they offer our forces and please support them if you can when you next see a Help for Heroes collection or event.