It was my first visit to this fantastic centre, run by the Countryside Education Trust, the air was full of the sights, sound and smells of a wide variety goats, horses, chickens, pigs... and alive with the thrum of activity.
As Taprisha and I set up among the hay bales in the barn we were inspected by a wandering flock of white geese, who also waddled by at other times - including while I told of Goosey Loosey and Chicken Licken. With our stage set including welcoming flags to attract attention and woodland animal toys nestled among the straw, we were ready for our audiences.
And what lovely audiences they were! Lots of smiling faces and giggles, lots of joining with key phrases in familiar favourite tales and singing along with songs and ditties in new ones.
"And he huffed and he puffed and he..."
"Can't catch me I'm the ...."
It was great to see families enjoying their time listening together, and with encouragement even those without kids in tow found themselves being drawn to the barn to listen.
Big Smiles from the Raffle Winners |
Next Raffle Prize: This Lovely Badger |
Hope to see you there perhaps - it's a great setting and a wonderful day out, click the links above to find out more.
ps. It stayed dry but wellies are a very good idea!