With plenty of Yar-Aah and Yo-Ho I was delighted to unleash my debut performance of Pirates Aboard on the landlubbers of Romsey Primary School.
Children from Sunhill Juniors, Arlesford, had a sneak preview of one of the tales at their annual Story night the week before, but the interweaving of two entertaining and exaggerated salty yarns with sing along songs, props, and interactive sound effects into a full length performance went down a storm.

The project, crafted on request to fit the schools themed Pirate day, was a huge hit and youngsters and teachers sat wide eyed and eager to hear the stories unfold.
Though purely fictional and at times fantastical, my pirate stories give a flavour of all that is fondly attributed to these bunch of ruffians. With plenty of piratical vocabulary, treasure islands and predictable elements, all washed down with a tot of the magical make for a wonderful voyage on the seas of the imagination.