Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Heads and Tales, Storytelling Cafe in Ringwood

Heads up it's Heads and Tales, 8pm tomorrow September 19th at The Boston Tea Party Cafe, in the centre of Ringwood.

The theme for the first half tomorrow is Jealousy and Friendship from myself and other New Forest Tellers together with a few floor spots available for those who dare.

After a refreshment break to re-fill your mugs and plates with delicious treats from the cafe we will settle back to hear visiting guest tellers Michael and Wendy Dacre, Master storytellers from the West Country.

You may have seen or heard Michael at our wonderful "Field of Stories" event but he has promised to leave the Giants at home this visit.

More information about Wendy and Michael here or better still come along and see us all for yourself!

Plenty of free parking available at The Furlong so invite a friend. Then find the Cafe next to Waitrose